5 Reasons To Choose Zoysia Turf When Creating A New Golf Course

Designing and building an entirely new golf course can be a daunting endeavour at the best of times, and just like any other construction project, choosing the right materials will make your job considerably easier. This means that the turfs used to create the greens, fairways and roughs of any golf course must be very carefully chosen. There are many turf varieties that simply cannot withstand the unique demands golf places on the grass beneath your spikes.

Zoysia grass is one of the most popular and widely used golf course turfs in the world, and it's easy to see why. This distinctively green and remarkably hardy turf has a number of advantages that make it an excellent choice for many golf course applications:

Lush and attractive

Landscaping any golf course is as much about creating beautiful surroundings as it is creating a challenging par 5, and the turf you use should be as attractive as the shrubs and greenery you use to decorate the course margins. Zoysia turf is widely prized for its vivid green colour and lush, thick growth, and a well-maintained zoysia green or fairway has a distinct air of luxury and prestige.

Will stay green year-round

Unlike some other turfs, zoysia maintains its bright green colour year-round, with little to no yellowing or dormancy during the cooler months. Because the individual leaves of zoysia grass interweave to create a dense mat of foliage, zoysia turf is also extremely drought-resistant, so it can tolerate prolonged periods of reduced watering and even drought conditions before it starts to turn brown and die. 

As such, a zoysia turf golf course will be as green and lush as your players expect whatever the time of year. Its drought-resistance makes it particularly useful for courses in more arid parts of the country, especially if sprinkler bans commonly come into effect during the summer months.

Low maintenance

The aforementioned dense growth of zoysia grass helps zoysia turf retain moisture, but it also has another advantage: it prevents light from reaching the soil. This makes zoysia turf golf courses highly weed-resistant. Zoysia turf also grows more slowly than many other ornamental grasses suitable for golf course use, so it will not have to be mowed quite as often to keep your greens and fairways at the required length.

As such, a golf course made primarily or entirely from zoysia turf will require comparatively little mowing, watering and overall maintenance.

Shade tolerant

Many turf types used on golf courses are reliant on full exposure to sunlight to stay green and lush, and shaded areas of rough and fairway can become brown and bare. Zoysia turf is much more tolerant of shade (a rare quality in a turf with tropical origins), an especially useful quality if you use large, shady trees and shrubs to accent the boundaries your course.

To learn more about empire zoysia turf, consult a resource in your area.
